The Parting Glass
The Parting Glass - Ave Verum - Lean On Me -Eriskay Love Lilt - Viva la Vida
Yes, it's a picture of Anne. Not that the image library of Parting Glass entries was so sparce, rather her arrangement of this old folk song is so charming, so she deserves a bit of limelight (is that what this is?). And she is responsible for so many of the arrangements we sing, we are very lucky to have her.
This was the week then she introduced us to The Parting Glass, using a four part rehearsal track some of us had laid down, and adding, apparently, another earworm to our many blessings.
Elinor reminded us of the rounds Donna Nobis Pacem and Cakes and Ale, and helped us revise Ave Verum, Lean On Me, Eriskay Love Lilt and Viva la Vida. Again lots of own recordings were used, several by first time Chorovinis. Thank you all.
Bit of a quiet night then.
Still musing on the next video...